
Candidates for all Master of Arts programs should have an undergraduate major or its equivalent in the appropriate field, 包括高级作文和相关文献的调查. 因为该系几乎所有的课程都是用目标语言进行的, students must enter the program with sufficient oral and written proficiency to perform with ease in the relevant linguistic environment.

该系致力于支持所有罗曼语语言和文学电子游戏正规平台生. 教学奖学金和电子游戏正规平台生助教奖学金提供给M.A. 候选人任期最长可达两年.


申请提交截止日期为M.A. 在西班牙电子游戏正规平台中


Candidates for all Master of Arts programs should have an undergraduate major or its equivalent in the appropriate field, 包括高级作文和相关文献的调查. 因为该系几乎所有的课程都是用目标语言进行的, students must enter the program with sufficient oral and written proficiency to perform with ease in the relevant linguistic environment.

该系致力于支持所有罗曼语语言和文学电子游戏正规平台生. 教学奖学金和电子游戏正规平台生助教奖学金提供给M.A. 候选人任期最长可达两年.


完整的应用程序, 直接提交给文理电子游戏正规平台生院, 包括以下内容:

  • 所有以前学习的正式成绩单,包括本科和电子游戏正规平台生.
  • 两封曾在学术或其他专业领域与你共事的人的推荐信.
  • A statement of purpose (of 2-4 pages) elaborating on your professional objectives and suitability for the graduate program (e.g., 以前受过语言和文学方面的训练, 相关工作经历, 或者在目标语言国家旅行和学习).
  • A formal writing sample 用目标语言 of 8 to 12 pages in length (generally a paper written in one's senior year of college, 或者是其他学术文本, 正确的识别).
  • 国际学生需要提交国际申请, 以及托福考试成绩.

Applicants are encouraged to contact individual faculty members and to plan a personal visit to the department whenever possible.

M.A. 法语、西班牙语或意大利文学 & 文化


  1. 完成30学分的课程,平均成绩不低于B.
  2. 完成独立电子游戏正规平台项目(见下文).
  3. 参加不定期的部门研讨会和关于教学法和专业形成的“实践”, 包括在八月第三周举行的新助教的部门培训. 每年年初, the department Director of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies will inform students of the schedule of any other workshops and practica to be offered during the academic year.

学生在成功完成所有课程后将有资格获得硕士学位, 向部门提交已批准的独立电子游戏正规平台项目, 并参加系里的教学法和专业形成研讨会和实习.

Formal evaluations of the student’s performance will be conducted at the beginning of the second semester of 这两个 the first and second years of the program.

电子游戏正规平台生 students must take whatever graduate courses are offered in their particular language section before they will be allowed to take courses in other language sections of the department, 部门外, 或者在另一所学校.

电子游戏正规平台生 students can earn credit only for graduate-level courses ("mixed level" courses open to 这两个 undergraduates and graduate students are included in this category).

如果在一个给定的学期, 他们的语言部门没有提供足够的电子游戏正规平台生课程, students may obtain credit by taking graduate courses in another section of the department or in another BC department or taking graduate seminars 用目标语言 at Boston University. 在学生可以注册任何这些课程之前,他们的顾问的书面许可是必需的.

电子游戏正规平台生 students can only enroll in a total of 31 credits in their first year (to cover the 10 required courses plus the required one-credit Professional and Pedagogy Seminar) and 30 credits in their second year. 学生可以报名参加额外的课程,但他们必须自付费用.

在每个新学期开始前注册所有课程之前, 电子游戏正规平台生的选课必须经过指导老师的批准, 谁将签署适当的部门许可表格.


电子游戏正规平台生学习的第一年, 强烈建议法语硕士学生参加FREN 7704“文本解释”课程,“每当开设这门课程的时候.

法国 students should endeavor to take at least one course from as many different areas of the curriculum as possible (Medieval, 早期现代, 18世纪, 19世纪, 20世纪, 法语).


在两年的硕士课程期间, 学生将在以下分布区域中至少选修一门课程:

  • 1800年以前的半岛
  • 1800年后半岛(包括电影)
  • 1900年前的拉丁美洲
  • 1900年后拉丁美洲(包括电影)

完成硕士学位所需的10门课程的剩余部分, 参见“其他分发要求”."


Each semester the 意大利 section faculty offer two 8000-level graduate seminars (and/or 5000-level advanced courses open to graduate students and qualified undergraduates): MA students in 意大利 are required to take 这两个 每学期8000级或5000级的课程.

完成硕士学位所需的10门三学分课程中剩下的两门, 学生可以自由选择其他RLL课程(最推荐的是文学理论课程), 教育学, 或语言学)或, 由他们的RLL顾问特别许可, 其他系相关课程.


MA candidates may receive a maximum of six credits for courses taken in our department in RLL language and literature courses other than the primary language/ literature of study, 包括英语文学理论课程, 罗曼语的历史, 教育学, 和语言学. Included in this limit are any credits (maximum of six) earned from courses in related areas of study taken in other 电子游戏软件 academic departments or from courses taken at other universities: note that students should not enroll in any non-departmental course without the prior formal approval of their academic advisor and the RLL Director of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies.


所有的米.A. 法语候选人, 拉美裔电子游戏正规平台, 作为学位课程的一部分,意大利学生必须完成独立电子游戏正规平台项目. 在他们一年级和二年级之间的夏天,M.A. 学生写论文, 用目标语言, which represents a significant revision or extension of a paper written in a graduate course taken during the first two semesters of study. 候选人的正式报告将在该科教师面前进行, 还是用目标语言.


  • 与该课程的教师进行协商, the student will define a precise topic by the end of the second semester of the first year of study and before the summer break. 该教员(项目所属专业)将担任该学生的IRP主任, 除非另一个有足够专业知识的教员同意承担这个角色. 学生也应该告知他们的学术顾问他们的IRP计划.
  • The principal work on the project will be carried out by the student over the summer between the first and second years, 在IRP主任的指导下.
  • 论文应表现出文本分析的批判能力, 在发展和维持一个论点时, 并在适当的使用证据和引用来源. 欲知更多指引, 请参阅及遵照RLL部门刊物所载的指示, “电子游戏正规平台生电子游戏正规平台论文:基本指南.“IRP也将由 “学习成果” 由文学系为文学系硕士生设立. ​
  • IRP的长度应该在20-25页之间,包括参考书目.
  • IRP的截止日期必须严格遵守. They are as follows: (1) May 15th: IRP topics and outline must be finalized and approved by IRP director; (2) August 15th: first draft of the complete essay must be sent to IRP director; (3) Sept. 10日:不迟于此日期, students must meet with director to discuss IRP draft and receive feedback for completion of final draft; (4) October 10th: final draft of IRP must be submitted to director; (5) Nov. 第一:IRP的最终版本必须提交给其语言部分的所有教员.
  • The student who does not meet the November 1st deadline will not be allowed to continue with the IRP and will instead be obliged to take a written, 综合考试. 这通过/失败, "take home" exam will be administered in the spring semester (early to mid-March but in any case no later than 4月1日) and will cover all of the student's completed courses. 学生完成考试的时间不超过10天. Please note that the completion of the exam is most likely to coincide partially or wholly with the university's Spring Break in early March, 因此,有义务参加这个考试的学生应该相应地计划他们的春季学期.
  • 成功完成IRP(或书面综合考试)是授予硕士学位的必要条件. M.A. degree cannot be granted to those who do not complete a satisfactory IRP within established deadlines (or do not pass the written 综合考试 in its place).
  • Each candidate will make a brief but formal presentation (用目标语言) of the finished IRP before the faculty of his/her section, 然后和全体教员进行了简短的讨论. 这些报告的日期将由每个部分决定.
  • IRP将以及格/不及格为基础进行评分.
  • 春季学期将为所有IRP作者举行全系接待/庆祝活动, 一旦三个部分都完成了他们的正式陈述. 在那种情况下, 学生将就开发过程发表简短的评论, 电子游戏正规平台, 写irp.
  • 学生可申请系内纽根电子游戏正规平台旅游奖从事电子游戏正规平台工作, 在美国以外.S.A.,与IRP相关. The best essays will be eligible to compete in the annual departmental Sue Nyugen Prize for Academic Excellence in 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies. 关于这两个纽根奖的信息可以在我们的网站上找到 电子游戏正规平台生资源页面.


学生应该在完成学位的过程中取得一致和令人满意的进展, 并满足所有其他奖学金要求(如.g.胜任语言教师的工作). 只有成绩良好的学生才有资格获得资助, 包括助教奖学金或电子游戏正规平台生奖学金. A review of all graduate students is conducted annually (at the beginning of the second semester) in order to assess progress toward the degree.

电子游戏正规平台生必须在所有课程中保持平均B或更高的成绩才能保持良好的成绩. 学生成绩在C或C以下的课程不授予学分. 除了, 除非在特殊情况下, 任何学生在同一时间内不得携带超过一门未完成课程.